- Turning lathe TRAUB TND 400
Turning diameter x turning length 200 x 800 mm, (for disc-shaped parts max. diameter 250 mm), part size depending on weight, tool turret with 12 tools, thereof 6 driven tools for complete machining, parts of short bar possible, mainly for chuck parts.
- Turning lathe TRAUB TND 160
Diameter x turning length 110 x 250 mm, turret with 8 tools, 4 of them driven for complete machining, for chuck parts, parts from short bar possible.
- Vertical Machining Center CHIRON FZ 12 W
Fast machining centre with travels of 550 x 300 x 425, tool changer with 12 tools, especially suitable for cubic parts, with many drilling and light milling operations, as well as further processing of turned parts, with workpiece changing device 0°/180° for loading and unloading during machining.
- Surface grinding machine ZIERSCH & BARTUSCH FS 3060
Grinding range 600 x 300 mm, semi-automatic sequence control.
- Semi-automatic band saw KASTO SSB 260 VA
Sawing range max. 260 x 260 mm
- TIG welding of stainless steels according to pressure equipment directive
- Materials: e.g.. 1.4301, 1.4404 and 1.4571
- Wall thicknesses: 2 bis 10 mm
- Elektropolishing of stainless steels
- Materials: e.g. 1.4301, 1.4404
- Small parts up to 1 kg
- Ideal for the parts in contact with the fluid of our pinch valves for food, chemical and pharmaceutical use.
- Interested in an offer for contract manufacturing? Then simply contact us via e-mail!

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